EasyRead Time Teacher

Tell the time in 3 simple steps

The maths curriculum requires children to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. It’s a daunting task and you might be wondering how you can help your child grasp this tricky concept. Many children have a difficult time learning how to tell the time so we have created a beautifully simple … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

Perfect for schools

So you’ve bought your EasyRead Time Teacher clock…now what? Practice makes perfect! Our clocks are designed to be taken off the wall and interacted with. Children will love the ‘hands on’ learning and then, seeing it every day up on the wall, they can practice and cement their learning. We have even put the teaching … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

Real learning comes from repeated practice

EasyRead Time Teacher believe in practice makes perfect. When children master something as difficult as telling the time, they need to cement that skill with practice. We have the solution. Having an EasyRead classroom clock on your wall encourages children to practice on their own, in their own time. Children love to take ownership of … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

How to use TwinTime

Teaching a classroom full of children to tell the time is tricky. So we created EasyRead TwinTime – great for schools. Our new EasyRead TwinTime is a ‘hands on’ resource for children learning to tell the time. It is a teaching and learning resource perfect for teachers to demonstrate setting and telling the time on … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

A perfect first watch!

Learning to tell the time is a huge step for children. It allows them to take ownership of their day, understand the concept of time and makes them feel ‘grown up’. Our wristwatches are the perfect first watch for children, with a colourful large face and a comfortable and removable strap – they will love … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

Introducing EasyRead Time Teacher

EasyRead Time Teacher is a family business dedicated to helping children and adults overcome the problems encountered when learning to tell the time. The business was started by Roger Shackleton, who is based in Sydney and is a winner of an Australian Design Award. Roger designed the ‘EasyRead Dial’ and the ‘Three Step Teaching System’ … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

Helping with special educational needs

Children with dyslexia, dyspraxia and many on the autistic scale may struggle to learn to tell the time easily. They especially have problems telling the time on a clock with hands. It may be that you can tell whole hours and half hours but not smaller chunks such as 8:04. People with S.E.N. might find … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

See our EasyRead TwinTime Classroom Sets in action!

We had a great time at the BETT Show! Did you manage to visit us? Don’t worry if not, take a look at our great new products in action now: The new EasyRead TwinTime Classroom Sets are ‘hands on’ teaching resources for children learning to tell the time. They are double sided and feature an … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

It’s never too late to learn how to tell the time!

40 million adults can’t tell the time according to a recent survey. The impact on their lives can be significant and it is easy to solve. It’s never too late to learn how to tell the time, even as an adult. You might think it’s no longer necessary for you to learn how to tell … Continued

EasyRead Time Teacher

How we can help children teach themselves the time

Every child has to tell the time eventually, but how do you start to teach them? Our wristwatches will make the process of learning to tell the time easy and fun. With an EasyRead Time Teacher wristwatch a four year old can learn to tell the time in just 10 minutes. They’re comfortable and colourful, … Continued