time teaching alarm clocks

Introducing our brand new time teaching alarm clocks

There are many things that we teach our children, whether it is supporting them through their learning at school or helping them to discover new interests at home.  The one thing we are passionate about here at EasyRead is helping children to learn to tell the time.  We have developed a time teaching system that … Continued

Home schooling teaching time

Home Schooling? Try Tackling Time Teaching

Helping children master telling the time is a brilliant thing parents can do during the long days at home. If you’re not a teacher, knowing what to teach your children during home schooling can be baffling. There’s no better time to focus on an important life skill: telling the time. With schools closed worldwide, parents … Continued

packing products

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – what we’re doing during the crisis

At the time of writing this blog, 24 March 2020, the UK is nearing the end of its first day of lockdown due to coronavirus.  In Australia, government guidance is becoming stricter but at this stage, schools are still open and people are still going to work.  Here’s our description of what EasyRead Time Teacher … Continued